Wish to live the Nendaz Freeride from the inside ?
With the development of the competition, which is now the biggest freeride gathering in the world, we're looking to hire several people for the duration of the event.
Mountain Operations
Various activities for the installation of equipment for the competition (starting arch, tents, our partners' equipment, etc.) - see video below.
Information and subscription : Oriel and Loris Steinmann, head of mountain operations
Divers travaux d'installation de matériel pour la compétition (arche de départ, tentes, matériel de nos partenaires, etc.) - voir vidéo ci-dessous.
Renseignement et inscription : Oriel Steinmann, responsable opérations en montagne - ops[at]nendazfreeride.ch
Welcome of the athletes during the briefings the evening before each competition.
Information and registration: Mathieu Haberland, Athletes manager - mathieu[at]nendazfreeride.ch
Starters and ski-boy
Management of the starters of the race, help with the security service and mountain guides, search for skis on the face (requirement : good level of ski/snowboard).
Information and subscription : Arthur, Head Starters and Ski-boy, +33 6 63 78 08 68
Gestion des départs de la course, aide au service sécurité et guides de montage, recherche de skis dans la face (exigence : bon niveau de ski/snowboard).
Renseignement et inscription : Arthur, responsable starters et ski boys : +33 6 63 78 08 68